Essential Facts You Should Know About Hair Loss
Another term for hair loss is Alopecia. Hair loss occurs when hair is absent on the scalp. However, hair loss is not limited to hair loss from the scalp alone; it can also define hair loss from other body parts.
The severity of hair loss can vary from one person to another. In some instances, it can involve hair loss from a smaller or an expanded area.
Anybody can also experience hair loss. It is not limited to only old age. Continue reading to learn more about the many things you should bear in mind about hair loss.
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Table of Contents
What are the causes Hair Loss?
So many things can be responsible for hair loss, and we are going to highlight some of these causes below:
Hair loss can be hereditary, and this can occur in both men and women. Genetic means that it originates from the family.
- It can be due to aging also.
- Another condition responsible for hair loss is alopecia areata
- Poor hair care strategy can cause hair loss.
- Scalp infection can equally be responsible for it.
- Even hormonal imbalance is not left behind.
- Some hairstyling processes can cause you to lose hair.
Hair loss can be sudden/abrupt or gradual. It can start with the thing of the hair in that area. After hair loss, the hair may even regrow on its own.
However, the speed at which it regrows can differ from one person to another. Therefore, you may have to treat the scalp area to make the hair grow back in some other instances.
Facts You Should Know About Hair Loss | Temporary vs. permanent hair loss
A temporary hair loss does not involve the loss of hair follicles. However, if the hair follicles are damaged, then the hair loss is permanent.
How can you know if your hair loss is temporary?
If the hair loss occurred shortly after you underwent a sudden trauma or emotional stress.
Such conditions can cause hair strands to shift from their growing phase to the resting stage and not produce new hair strands until the pressure is over.
If it occurs shortly after you give birth: Hair strands are usually healthy during pregnancy, but the reverse is typically the case after childbirth.
After some time, the hair strands will regain their strength and regrow.
Facts You Should Know About Hair Loss
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If you are on a solid medication: Some drugs can trigger hair loss, and the hair will grow back once you stop taking the pills.
You may want to discuss with your doctor if a particular drug can predispose you to Alopecia before you start taking it.
For example, chemotherapy is one of the medications that can lead to Alopecia.
If you have particular diseases: Studies show that diabetes and thyroid diseases can predispose one to Alopecia or hair loss. If you over-exercise: Those who over-exercise can also end up with hair loss, and this type is also temporary.
It is because the activity is depriving your hair follicles of the nutrients they need for growth.
In all the examples given above, the hair follicle is not yet damaged. However, the hair loss becomes permanent if the hair follicle gets damaged.
Disclaimer: Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is at your own risk. This article is strictly for informational purposes. The author is not a medical practitioner and as such you should not substitute the information here for professional advice.