Stomach Ulcer Diet | 8 Foods To Add To Your Diet To heal Abdominal Ulcer
An ulcer is a sore that develops on the lining of the esophagus, stomach, or small intestine. It occurs when stomach acid damages the line of the digestive tract.
Contrary to popular belief, an ulcer isn’t caused by stress or consuming spicy food. Instead, people with ulcers experience lots of pain, upper abdominal pain being its most common symptom.
However, these pains can be relieved by eating the right foods.
Studies have shown that consuming the following foods relieves the pains caused by ulcers and reduces the chances of getting other gastrointestinal problems.
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- Unripe Plantain
Unripe plantain contains antibacterial properties, as well as nutrients that help soothe inflamed and irritated mucous membranes.
These properties make plantain healthy for ulcer patients. However, to get the best from plantain for an ulcer patient, eating it boiled rather than fried as fat contained in the oil is known to aggravate ulcer pain.
- Vegetables
Vegetables help digestion and keep the stomach lining healthy.
They are also known to prevent constipation and provide the body with the nutrients needed to fasten the healing process, making them an ideal meal for an ulcer patient.
Adding them to meals help the healing process of sores caused by ulcer happen place faster.

- Fish and Egg
Eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce the risk of ulcers. Being rich in protein and prostaglandins, fish and eggs are less likely to irritate the stomach lining.
They, however, protect and prevent the stomach lining and intestines. For ulcer patients, boiled fish and eggs should be consumed rather than fried ones.
- Okra
Regular consumption of Okra helps speed up the healing process of ulcers. Low in calories and high in dietary fiber, Okra relieves and prevents constipation while aiding the digestive system.
In addition, this vegetable provides a temporary coating for the digestive tract making it ideal for relieving ulcer pains.

- Garden egg
Research has shown that garden egg is an anti-ulcer agent. The vegetable is said to possess ulcer protective properties while preventing bloating and promoting the smooth passage of food into the body.
Garden egg can be eaten fresh or cooked. Whatever way it is consumed, a garden egg is a good source of relieving ulcer pains.
Stomach Ulcer Diet
- Cucumber
Since it is mainly made of water and contains essential nutrients and minerals needed for the body, cucumber is one fruit recommended for ulcer patients.
It is because it helps regulate the stomach’s acidity, being rich in water and fiber. In addition, cucumber often acts as an antioxidant, cleaning and removing accumulated waste toxins from the body.
- Millet And Corn Pudding
In Nigeria, this is known as” Pap or Ogi.” Millet or corn pudding are soft; this makes them quickly digested and ideal for ulcer patients.
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When frequently consumed, they are known to ease the symptoms of ulcers as they protect and heal the digestive system.
Stomach Ulcer Diet

- Honey
Honey is known to give soothing relief to ulcer pains, so they are the best bet for ulcer patients. Consuming raw, unprocessed honey in the morning and at night offer to relieve an ulcer.
They can also be included in meals.
Now, you know the right foods to consume. However, certain foods should be avoided, like the following:
- Spicy Foods
- Coffee
- Alcohol
- Refined Foods
- Red Meat
Disclaimer: Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is at your own risk. This article is strictly for informational purposes. The author is not a medical practitioner and as such you should not substitute the information here for professional advice.