How to Forget Your Ex With A Simple Step Action Plan
Some breakup hurts so bad that healing doesn’t just take time but takes a deliberate and conscious effort.
If you genuinely want to get over a person and move on, it is wiser that you put together a plan to speed up the healing process to avoid unnecessary suffering.
That’s why I have put together the steps you can follow for a faster recovery and getting over that ex for good.
How to Forget Your Ex With A Simple Step Action Plan

- Have A Mourning Period
Research has shown that a breakup can hurt as much as losing a loved one to death.
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Because, in a way, something just died, the bond you guys had, that’s why it is advisable to go through a mourning period where you accept and come to terms with the end of such a relationship.
- Don’t Idealize The Relationship
The relationship wasn’t perfect, so don’t make it so by forgetting the complex parts and romanticizing the good ones.
How to Forget Your Ex With A Simple Step Action Plan
Keep this list close, so every time you feel the need to reach out to them, you will be reminded why the connection failed.
- Reject The “Friendship Request.”
No, I am afraid I have to disagree with staying friends.
Don’t trick yourself into believing you can still be friends irrespective of the terms you broke it off, either good or bad.
Friendship can only come when you both don’t hold romantic emotions for the other, speeding up friendships when the heart is still aching, and emotions have involved a disaster that might eventually hurt.
- Eliminate The Possibility Of Contact
It is my number one rule for getting over an ex, cut off all contact from him or her, which means deleting every means of communicating with them.
Make an effort not to contact them in any way, and cutting off your contact from them is an excellent way to go about it.
What this means is that no phone calls, texts, emails, or chat.
Yes, delete their contact, go ahead and unfriend, and unfollow them on every social media platform; that way, you get to see less of them, which is one thing your heart needs to heal faster.
- Don’t Contact Their Friends And Family
Once you break up with your partner, it is good to avoid meeting their friends and family.
Generally, avoid anyone that will remind you of your ex, including people you got to know through them, so you don’t get to hear the update on how his or her life is going.
- Stay Away From The Things That Remind You Of Them
Clear out anything and everything that will remind you of your ex.
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From texts to voice notes, pictures, you don’t need such things right now as they will only make you miss them and cause you to reach out to them.

- Discover A New Passion
Do things you enjoy, engage in a new hobby fill the time you used to spend as a couple with activities that will make you happy.
Discover yourself and embrace new possibilities; remember heartbreak takes much time to heal, so be patient and trust in the process.