Signs You Have A Faithful Partner
Just like trust, faithfulness is one of the foundations of a strong relationship. Due to bad experiences from past relationships, many find it hard to believe their partner is faithful.
This insecurity can break a relationship. So today, I will be sharing some signs that can be used as an evaluation of your partner’s faithfulness.
This way, you would know if there is something to worry about or not.

- They Are Honest With You
When one is honest with you concerning everything, that means they have nothing to hide.
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If your partner tells you everything and even avoids telling white lies, that is a sign that you have a faithful partner in your hands.
It means they trust and respect you, which is something every vital relationship needs.
- They are Committed To The Relationship
If your partner is ready to talk things through and work things out at the sight of trouble in your relationship, then definitely they only have eyes for you.
Top Signs You Have A Faithful Partner
However, if they disappear or ghost you at the sight of trouble, well then, their commitment needs to be checked.

- Their Feelings Are Consistent
If your partner’s feelings do not change all the time, like one minute everything is great, you are the center of their world, and the next, you cannot tell what got them upset, then you are in a good place.
Constant mood swings in a relationship are not a good sign.
When the feelings remain constant, it is a sign that they are really into you without a doubt.
They Make An Effort To Make The Relationship Work
You should not be the only one trying to make the relationship work.
If, for a while, the enthusiasm and the willingness to communicate has faded out, that is a sign that something is wrong somewhere.

- They Are Real And Emotionally Open With You
There is just something about being emotionally open with your partner. It means you are not afraid to be vulnerable with them.
Top Signs You Have A Faithful Partner
If your partner shares their worries, insecurities, and fears with you, it means they are emotionally connected and faithful to you.
However, if your partner is emotionally unavailable with you, you should probably talk it out and get to the root of it.
- They Are not Afraid To Express Physical Affection
If you notice that your partner uses every opportunity to show you off to his or her friends and family and is not ashamed to show affection even in public, you are probably on the right tracks.
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Physical affection helps build intimacy which creates an emotional connection between partners, if you get this from your partner, you have something good going.
- They Include You In All Spheres Of Their Life
One sign of a partner’s commitment is engaging and involving you in all spheres of his or her life. It is good to have a life outside a relationship, but a truly committed person would want you to be part of the moments that matter.
- They Consider Your Opinion And Wishes
Suppose your partner considers your opinion and involves you in decision making its s a sign that you mean a lot to them. These little things matter in a relationship; it means you are valued in that relationship.
- You are Always On Their Mind
If your partner always creates time for you, you have something good going even on their busiest day. Even just a text, an emoji, or call shows they have you on their mind, which is a good sign.
A faithful partner is an open book, and you know where you stand in their life. If you have the above-listed signs in your relationship, you have something beautiful going.