5 Wrong Reasons To Be In A Relationships
Being in a relationship seems like the next big thing, thanks to social media.
If you aren’t dating, you miss out on something pleasing; at least, that’s how they make you feel.
Due to this pressure, many rushes into relationships they shouldn’t be in the first place.
Sometimes, due to societal and peer pressure, due to a broken heart, as many believe, the best way to get over a broken heart is by dating someone new, which is wrong.
So today, I will be sharing the critical reason why you shouldn’t be in a relationship.
Wrong Reasons To Be In A Relationships

- Loneliness
Loneliness isn’t enough reason for you to be in a relationship. Some people constantly feel they must be in a relationship to avoid being lonely.
Read Also: Delicate Things About Your Relationship Not to Be Discussed With Others
If this is your reason for being or going into a relationship, you should learn to enjoy time with just yourself.
If you want your own company and are very comfortable in your skin, you don’t need another person to make you happy, and you will not be in a relationship due to loneliness.
- Self-love Deficit Disorder
Are you looking for someone to love you, and that’s why you are in a relationship?
That sounds very much wrong, and no one can love you the way you deserve except you.
The truth is that no one can love you more than you love yourself, and consciously or unconsciously, we tend to project how we feel about ourselves to others, which in turn treat us the same way we treat ourselves.
So learn to accept and love yourself, including your flaws and imperfections, do not compare yourself to others or try fitting into their set image.
Doing this leaves you a happier person, one with whom anyone would be glad to be in a relationship.
- Comfort
Are you in a relationship or about to start a relationship because your partner is always available?
Or offers you an easy way out? Because he or she is always there doesn’t mean you have to date them.
We tend to go for things that make our lives better, which is excellent, but don’t be in a relationship because you feel you owe your partner that for always being around for you.

- Financial Benefits
Dating someone because of the financial or material benefits you can get from them is wrong.
As much as we all want that good life, dating someone you have no feelings whatsoever for isn’t something anyone should do.
Unfortunately, not many care about this, as the first thing we now consider before entering a relationship is how much we can benefit from such a relationship, both materially and financially.

- Social Pressure
You feel lovely being alone, but society makes you think that’s wrong. Remember, your life is yours, so don’t be pressured into doing something you don’t want.
You can be happy in a relationship and also delighted being single as well, don’t let society make you feel otherwise.
The following are some of the wrong reasons for one to be in a relationship; if it isn’t for love, you need to take a step back and rethink your intentions.