8 Red Flags of Unhealthy Relationship You Should Not Ignore
A seemingly match made in heaven can blind you, especially if you walk on cloud nine. You are starting a new relationship with someone you really like can deafen you to negative behaviors you shouldn’t ignore.
Frequently these red flags indicate that something is amiss.
If ignored, this can turn a good relationship into a bad experience. Below are some red flags in dating that one should watch out for:
Red Flags of Unhealthy Relationship You Should Not Ignore
Gets Angry Easily, Yell At People

During the first few weeks of dating, your new spouse might not yell or get angry at you, but if you notice that he/she does that a lot to people around them or talk rudely to them, then that’s something to be concerned about.
Abusive partners always display the warning signs at the beginning of the relationship, but we make excuses to cover such behavior.
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Nothing good can ever come out of an abusive relationship, only death and pain; that’s why it is best you get as much information as you can on your partner’s past before moving forward with them. Trust me, that is very important.
- Is Disrespectful
How respectful is your partner to you? Does he or she embarrass you in public, make fun of your ideas, opinion or make significant decisions without consulting you?
Then you have a big problem. Being mistreated and taken for granted is something you shouldn’t accept in your relationship.
A healthy relationship is one where both partners are equally respected if this doesn’t seem to happen, then you need to rethink such a relationship.
Red Flags of Unhealthy Relationship
- Is Too Clingy!
Your new spouse wants to be by your side constantly. Their life starts and ends with you, and you don’t have your personal space. If you ask for some, they feel you have someone else or don’t love them.
If this sounds familiar, that’s what a too-clingy relationship is.
Being adored is excellent, have someone who loves spending time with you are being around you is great too, but when they don’t have a life outside the relationship, that is the problem.
It can make you feel smothered over time and choked up, so if you notice this at the early stage of your relationship, you might want to be concerned.
- Is a Master Manipulator
There is nothing worse than dating a manipulator; they can use any means to manipulate you into getting what they want and leave you feeling powerless, fear, guilt, or like you are obligated to meet their every need.
Manipulators attempt to sway your emotions, make you act a certain way, or feel a specific thing like feeling sorry or guilty when you haven’t done anything wrong.
Read Also: 7 Qualities Of A Healthy Relationship
Sometimes they can also use threats to make you feel bad or prey on your insecurities to make you feel grateful for their love and attention; whatever technique may be used, avoid such a relationship while you can.
- Constant Mood Sways
Do you really what to be in a relationship with someone who loves you in one minute and for no just reason hates you in the next, or is happy in one minute and unhappy the next minute?
Red Flags of Unhealthy Relationship
Trust me, dating such partners can leave you feeling lost, scared; you need to walk on eggshells around them because they can be cruel and loving depending on the mood.
It is one red flag to watch out for in a relationship; dating someone with mood sways can be pretty exhausting.
- Keeps Secrets/Vague

If your new spouse doesn’t want to talk about their past or is vogue about details about their lives, there is something untoward happening.
If you notice your partner is secretive and seems to be holding much information to themselves, then you should be considered.
- Has Contrasting Core Values
You and your partner must be on the same page; having similar core values is essential to a relationship’s success.
If your values are contrasting, disagreements are bound to happen, so values need to be aligned with each other.
- Isolates You From Your Family and Friends

He or she tries as much as possible to keep you away from your family and friends; that’s a red flag.
The excuse might be wanting to hold you to himself or herself, don’t believe that, the plan is to have you isolated with only them by your side, that way no one can call your notice to their wrongs.
Isolation is one vital sign to watch out for in a relationship, and this is how abusive relationships start, your partner trying to cut you off from everyone close and dear to you.
People typically don’t change, and they only worsen, so don’t ignore these warning signs thinking they would change. Paying attention to them can save you a whole of pain and bad relationship experiences, so be watchful.