12 Celebrities who have been bullied & their stories
For most celebrities, growing up was not as perfect as their lives turned out to be.
Some of them were battered, humiliated, owing to bullying, and had to change high school.
Celebrities like the following have had a glimpse of this horrible experience in high school. These are the celebs who overcame bullying:

- Megan Fox
Megan Fox wasn’t as gorgeous as she is now, back in high school. The 34-year-old American actress and model disclosed that she was often bullied and humiliated by her female classmates.
According to the actress, one of her bullies made a Halloween costume and named it after her.
Well, despite such a heartbreaking experience, the actress turned out great.
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- Eminem
48-year-old American rapper Eminem disclosed that his high school experience wasn’t as rosy as we do think.
According to the rapper, he was bullied, beaten, shoved into lockers, bathrooms, and the hallways back in high school for being the new kid.
No one deserves to be subjected to that form of treatment, especially not a kid. The rapper’s only escape was music which he later made a career of, and now he is famous.
12 Celebrities who have been bullied & their stories

Jessica Alba
‘Dark Angel’ actress was bullied so severely that her dad had to walk her home from school in other to prevent further attacks.
The 39-year-old American actress revealed that she was forced to be different due to her race plus her parent had no money, so she wasn’t popular in high school.
The actress said she had to eat her lunch in the nurse’s room to hide from those bullying her.

- Christian Bale
47 year old ‘Dark Knight’ actor Christian Bale revealed that his high school experience involved him being bullied and getting kicks and punch every day from other students.
The Oscar winner disclosed that he had one of the worst high school experiences, but he turned out quite remaking after that horrible experience.

- Christina Hendricks
In year 45, Christina Hendricks’s case, her parent was not very supportive when she told them she was being bullied in school.
The award-winning actress was bullied in high school a lot.
Although she told her parent about it, they felt it was her fault due to her inability to blend and relate with other kids; weird, right?
Robert Pattinson
Twilight actor Robert Pattinson was not always everyone’s sweetheart before he came into the limelight.
The 34-year-old actor that, back in high school, the actor revealed that he got beaten a lot when he was younger and was bullied by friends to be an actor; quick question, what is he now?

- Jennifer Lawrence
Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence revealed that she was also bullied in high school because she was the new kid.
The 30-year-old American actress is quite outspoken. However, the actress didn’t take such antics lying down, as she fought for herself and spoke out.

- Michael Phelps
Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps suffered ADHD as a child.
He was bullied and made fun of, plus his ears stuck out of his face, which worsened the bullying.
This wasn’t something he should be bullied for, but unfortunately, he was.

- Demi Lovato
American Singer Demi Lovato had a challenging high school experience.
She was bullied for her look at the age of 12, and it was hard to change school when the bullying got so bad.
The 28-year-old actress developed an eating disorder due to such bullying, as she was always body-shamed for her weight.
Demi Lovato is one strong lady despite what she has been through, and she has grown stronger and now encourages her fans to embrace their body.

- Rosario Dawson
Being nicknamed ‘Toothpick’ was something Rosario Dawson had to deal with while growing up.
The 41-year-old actress was so thin growing up that she was often bullied about it.
Fortunately for her, she had a mother who taught her how to accept herself and love her body. Today Rosario Dawson is making a better name for herself.
Lady Gaga
Despite how bold and loud Lady Gaga looks, she was bullied in high school.
The pop star revealed that she was usually teased for being ugly, having a big nose, singing and looking weird, and sometimes called sh*t.
But she didn’t let all that get to her even though there were days she felt like giving up on high school; instead, Lady Gaga developed hard skin, which made her what she is today.

- Rihanna
Who would believe that beautiful and talented American singer Rihanna was bullied in high school? Unfortunately, she was.
The 33-year-old ‘Umbrella’ singer revealed that she was bullied in high school for being light skin and having a different eye color.
As foolish as the reason for the bully sounds, the singer didn’t t have the best of high school experiences due to such beautiful features.
But she is long over that as she disclosed that such bullying prepared her for the entertainment industry.
One thing is for certain, all those who bullied these celebrities are sure regretting their actions.
Imagine you knowing famous someone back in high school but can not be associated with them due to how you treated them back then?
That’s so unfortunate. Bullying is not something that one should be involved in.
It can psychologically affect the victims in many ways, so try not to be a pain source today.