Celebrities With Surprising Hobbies
Many people enjoy collecting different objects, including celebrities who have a vast collection of things from toys, stickers, typewriters, and other accessories.
With suitable finances, you can collect as many objects of fancy as you please.
You can devote a whole room or even an entire property into storage space for such items. Below are details of some collections owned by famous people. These collections are both impressive and surprising.
Celebrities With Surprising Hobbies
- Johnny Depp: Barbie Dolls

One of Johnny Depp’s hobbies is barbie collecting. He has a Barbie doll collection; The dolls were launched in 1959.
He started the pool after playing with the dolls with his daughter and giving voices to each doll. Now he has his own Barbie doll collection.
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- Tom Hanks: Typewriters

Two-time Oscar winner Tom Hanks owns his collection of typewriters with over 200.
He began the group when he tried to get his old typewriter repaired but was persuaded to purchase a top-of-the-range model.
The actor keeps his entire collection in pristine condition and takes at least one typewriter when he travels.
- Janet Jackson: Porcelain Pigs
Song singer and songwriter Janet Jackson decided to make her hobby pigs collecting.
According to the singer, she also has no idea why she settled for pigs to collect.
However, she later lost passion for this hobby as everyone started giving pigs to her, and she ended up with hundreds of pigs with no idea what to do with them.
- Demi Moore: Antique dolls

Actress Demi Moore is a devoted collector of antique dolls, with more than 2000 of them in her possession. The actress went as far as purchasing a property to house her impressive collection.
According to the actress, having dolls around her serves as a reminder not to take your life too seriously.
Her favorite of which is said to be a Gene Marshall doll. Her ex-husband, however, found it weird having dolls staring all over the house.
- Kiefer Sutherland: Guitars
“24 Hours” star Kiefer Sutherland got his first guitar from his mother and immediately fell in love with the instrument at the age of ten. He became a collector of guitars with hundreds of these instruments in his studio.
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According to the actor, he has reached a point where he can no longer play all the guitars he owned.
- John Travolta: Aeroplanes
After getting his pilot’s license at the age of 22, John Travolta developed a purchasing plane hobby. Giving the cost of buying a single plane, the actor has five in his possession. He also has his functioning airport at home.
- Angelina Jolie: Knives

Oscar-winning actress Angelina Jolie owns an extensive collection of knives.
This hobby began when her mother bought her one when she was just 12 years; she became intrigued by knives from an early age and became a collector of this weapon.
Jolie has collected knives from many different countries.
- Penélope Cruz: Coat hangers

Spanish Oscar winner Penelope Cruz has a weird collection of interest.
The actress has an extensive collection of coat hangers. The hanger of every variety was gotten from around the world, numbering about 500.
- Amanda Seyfried: Taxidermied animals
The actress’s hobby is the collection of dead animals. According to Amanda, it is easier taking care of a dead animal than a live one.