Countries You Can Visit Visa-Free With Your Nigerian Passport
The Nigerian passport is currently ranked 101 in the world regarding its power.
Although most countries require Nigerians to get a visa before arrival, certain countries you can visit visa-free with your Nigerian passport.
In this article, we will be looking at some destinations around the world, and you can stay as a Nigerian with just your passport without having to go through the process of getting an embassy visa before you take off.
Nigerians can visit 47 countries with no visa restrictions. However, they stay in each country differs.
For example, while Benin, Chad, Gambia, Haiti grant travelers 90 days entry, Barbados and Dominica grant their visitors 180 days entry, all depending on the countries policy.
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Now to the list, the following countries are visa-free destinations for Nigerian passport-holders:

- Barbados
Barbados is an eastern Caribbean island and an independent British Commonwealth nation.
The island is known for its beaches and botanical gardens, and Nigerians can visit visa-free.

- Benin
Benin is a French-speaking West African nation known for being the birthplace of the vodun (or “voodoo”) religion.
You might want to visit another country, as all you need is your Nigerian passport.

- Burkina Faso
The country is located in West Africa; Burkina Faso covers an area of around 274,200 square kilometers and is bordered by Togo and Ghana to the south, Mali to the northwest, the Ivory Coast the southwest. Niger to the northeast, Benin to the southeast, and
Nigerians can also visit this beautiful country without visa restrictions.

- Cameroon
Cameroon is another country; Nigerians can visit without a visa. Located on the Atlantic coast where Western and Central Africa meet, this is one country you need to see.

- Cape Verde
Next on the list is Cape Verde or Cabo Verde, officially the Republic of Cabo Verde.
This is an island country in the central Atlantic Ocean, consisting of ten volcanic islands with a combined land area of about 4,033 square kilometers.
For a short vacation, you might want to consider Cape Verde.
Countries You Can Visit Visa-Free With Your Nigerian Passport

- Chad
The Republic of Chad is a landlocked country located in north-central Africa.
Around its border is Libya to the north, Sudan to the east, the Central African Republic to the south, Cameroon to the southwest, Nigeria to the southwest, and Niger to the west.
Already sharing borders with Nigeria, visiting Chad is pretty straightforward.

- The Cook Islands
The Cook Islands is a stunning nation located in the South Pacific. It shares political links to New Zealand.
The Cook Islands comprises 15 islands that are scattered over a vast area.
The country is famous for its many snorkeling and scuba-diving sites. If your ideal vacation is spending time on the beach, then this is your location.
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- Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Côte d’Ivoire is another country that Nigerians can visit visa-free. Located in West African, the country is notable for its beach resorts, rainforests, and a French-colonial legacy.

- Dominica
Nicknamed “The Nature Island of the Caribbean,” The country is a mountainous Caribbean island nation with natural hot springs and tropical rainforests.
Dominica is one vacation spot to consider for quiet time away.

- Fiji
In the South Pacific, the country is an archipelago of more than 300 islands.
It is located near Australia and New Zealand in the Pacific Ocean; like the others, all you need as a Nigerian to visit Fiji is a valid Nigerian passport.

- The Gambia
The Gambia is a country in West African, bounded by Senegal, with a narrow Atlantic coastline.
It’s known for its diverse ecosystems around the central Gambia River and has a visa-free entry for Nigerians.

- Ghana
She shares borders with the Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, and Togo in the east. The country is situated in West Africa.
Ghanaians and Nigerians already spend time together, so no visa restrictions here.

- Guinea
She is a country in West Africa, bordered on the west by the Atlantic Ocean.
It’s known for the Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve in the southeast. But, like the other countries on the list, Guinea is one country Nigerians can visit easily.

- Guinea-Bissau
The country is a tropical country on West Africa’s Atlantic coast known for its national parks and wildlife.
There’s so much to see in Guinea-Bissau. Fortunately, you don’t need a visa for that.
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- Haiti
Haiti is a Caribbean country that shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic to its east.
It is another beautiful country Nigerians have access to without a visa.
It is essential that you have a valid passport before setting out to these locations.
Other visa-free jurisdictions for Nigerians include Liberia, Mali, Micronesia, Montserrat, Niger, Niue, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo, and Vanuatu.
So when next you plan to take a short vacation outside the country, you might want to consider visiting any of the above-listed countries, as all you need is a valid passport.